EMOTION Polysaccharide processing enzymes with biotechnological impact
Funded by the Basque Government (Elkartek 2022 Call)
MICOLOR Microbial colonization of ocean particles: cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in particle colonization and remineralization
Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation («Retos Investigación» 2022 Call)
MOSAIC Hydrolytic enzymes of marine polysaccharides: Biotechnological applications
Funded by the Basque Government (Elkartek 2021 Call)
MERCLUB MERcury CLean-Up system based on Bioremediation by marine bacteria
Funded by the European Union (EMFF-BlueEconomy-2018 Call)
SUMMER Sustainable management of mesopelagic resources
Funded by the European Union (H2020-BG-2018-2 Call)
XMILE Microbial exopolymers: diversity, function and biotechnological applications
Funded by the Basque Government (Elkartek 2019 Call)
CYADES Role of membrane DESaturases in the Global Ocean distribution of picocyanobacteria
Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Technology and Competitiveness («Retos Investigación» 2018 Call)
TECCAM Transcriptomic Experiments on Climate Change Acclimation of Marine Microorganisms
Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Technology and Competitiveness («Retos Investigación» 2015 Call)